You Are Hiding The Truth — Sister Of Deceased Reporter Accuses Vanguard, DSS, And SARS

Tordue Salem

With the news of the death of the Vanguard reporter, Tordue Salem filtering in the public space and eliciting tons of reactions, most of which have been of shock and bewilderment, the sister of the deceased, Elizabeth Jessica has alleged that her brother was killed.

THE VENT REPUBLIC reports that the sister in her post also asked for the identity of the person who deposited his body at the Wuse General Hospital in Abuja while fingering the DSS, SARS, and Vanguard Newspaper, the news medium her brother worked for.

She wrote:

We are yet to confirm the corpse but I heard that it was deposited at Wuse General yesterday. Who took his body there?
DSS, SARS and Vanguard are my suspects.”

She later posted about an hour later: ‘They assassinated my brother’.

The Police officially paraded one Clement Itoro, who confessed to mistakenly hitting him with his car in an alleged ‘hit and run’ charade.

29-year old Itoro, a native of Akwa-Ibom State in his confessional statement said he was driving around the Mabushi area in Abuja the night of October 13, 2021, coming from Jabi, going to Wuse market, and on his way coming at high speed, Tordum was crossing the road and he knocked him down but could not wait as he was afraid of armed robbers in that area. He then had to leave the scene but saw the deceased’s smashed phone when he got home.

The sister of the deceased also queried the hit and run claim by Clement Itoro, positing that so many questions are left unanswered.

In her words:

“The question is who has been paying his bills since 13 October to 11th November?
Why did they kept him all this while without locating his family despite having some ID cards on him. Who brought him to the hospital? And brought as what? colleague ? Brother ? Friend ? Police?

From where and since when
So many questions unanswered


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