Buhari condemns Sokoto killing, says violence is not the way out.

May 13, 2022

President Muhammadu Buhari has condemned the killing of a second year student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Deborah Samuel, following an allegation that she had blasphemed Muhammad (SAW), the Prophet of Islam.

The president made his feelings known in a statement issued by his media aide, Malam Garba Shehu, on Friday in Abuja said the news of the killing of the young lady by fellow students was a matter of concern.

According to him, the case demands an impartial, extensive probe into all that happened before and during the incident.

He noted that Muslims all over the world demand respect for the Holy Prophets, including Isah (Alaihissalaam, Jesus Christ) and Muhammad (SAW) “but where transgressions occur, as alleged to be the case in this instance, the law does not allow anyone to take matters into their hands.

“Moreover, religious leaders preach that it is not for the believer to judge the actions of another person.

“The constituted authority must be allowed to deal with such matters when they arise.“No person has the right to take the law in his or her own hands in this country. Violence has and never will solve any problem.”

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