After the TECNO Mobile task on Thursday night, Queen confronted Boma over his Executive lounge visit with Angel.
Queen says she suspects that there’s something fishy going down between him and Angel as they were alone in the room.
Boma had spent almost 30 minutes playing snooker in front of the Executive Lounge without noticing the lights were on. Not until Angel came upstairs and they both saw the light.
The executive lounge is a private place for at least three housemates to relax, drink, chill and eat.. and it’s usually opened once in a while.
Angel and Boma after seeing the light quickly went inside, with Jaypaul who ‘came to the party’ late.
Immediately after having their private time together, they came out.. and the housemates saw that they were the only ones in the executive lounge, without a third person.
This made them suspect the reason why they were alone was to have a private intimate time.
Queen was upset about ‘the rumors’ and she immediately confronted Boma, her love interest.
He then later assured her that nothing of such happened when they were alone together in the room.
“How am I supposed to know that when everybody was saying that it will be exposed during the reunion?” Queen asked.
He still insisted that nothing happened and Queen asked him, “Then why didn’t you go with a third party?”
He claimed that he asked a third party but the person declined.
Queen said she had hoped to visit the Executive lounge with Boma and Whitemoney because she heard that there are no cameras there.
Boma, however, told her that cameras are everywhere and still reassured her that nothing happened between him and Angel.