Woman accuses Eniola Badmus of destroying her 350,000 naira phone after taking a selfie with her

A woman has gone on social media to recount how popular Nollywood actress Eniola Badmus smashed her phone after they took a selfie together.

The woman in questioned who claimed to be a fan of the plus sized actress saw her in a club and took her picture with her permission only for the actress to pounce on the phone, delete her pictures on Snapchat and smash it against an iron rod while ordering the bouncers to throw her out.

Narrating the incident, she said:

“I was at a club in Lagos when I spotted actress Eniola Badmus and asked if I could take a picture with her. She agreed and I took the picture. Next thing she did was to seize my phone, deleted the picture, broke my phone and asked the bouncer to throw me out. A phone that cost me N350k. Eniola should pls explain what I did to her to warrant such treatment”.

This is not the first time that Eniola Badmus will be embroiled in such controversy. She is fond of accusing people of body shaming her because of her huge size and has fought many online wars with trolls who accuse her of having a low self esteem.

She is yet to refute or comment on this allegation as at the time of the writing of this story.

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