Patient flees hospital bed to go pay ransom to kidnappers who kidnapped his sister-in-law

A patient reportedly absconded from the hospital where he was receiving treatment to “save” his sister-in-law who was kidnapped by unknown gun men.

It was gathered that the man was admitted at the Plateau Hospital Farm House when he received a call from the kidnappers who abducted his sister, requesting for ransom.

According to the man, the kidnappers requested 10Million Naira but he pleaded with them that he was on admission in the hospital and begged them to collect N400,000 which they eventually agreed.

He stated that to save his sister-in-law he had to leave the hospital immediately without the doctor’s permission. The kidnapers collected the money from him and released his sister-in-law, a University of Jos student, to him unharmed.

Read the full story below as shared by writer, Mashat Alfred Makut popularly known as Munatare Munashak, who was also admitted in the same hospital at the time of the ugly incident,

“While taking my first drip, a nurse on duty dashed in panting that the patient opposite my bed absconded and her supervisor and doctors on call are on her neck for letting the patient who was brought in the previous day unconscious leave without the Doctors permission. As the day was winding into Night, the young man appeared with a lady and two of his brothers smiling and singing victorious songs to the delight of everyone in the male ward of the plateau hospital, Dadin Kowa.

“The nurse that took over duty was excited to see that the patient was back as he surprisingly asked why he absconded? The Patient narrated the Story;

“While I was on drip, I received several calls from kidnappers that they kidnapped my wife’s sister around 4am of Sunday,6th June 2021 along Bauchi road in their house where students stay, she is from Jigawa and she just came back in time to resume the University of Jos,The Kidnappers were five in Number, they demanded 10 million ransom and I pleaded that I am on admission at the hospital, after long bargain, we agreed at four hundred thousand naira ransome 400,000,00 and they told me to bring the money along naraguta hostel to tilden Fulani -bauchi road, some rocks that look like cave, they said I should bring 6 loaves of bread 4 lacasera and 2 yoghurt along as they have been in the Bush with no food since the time of the kidnap in the morning.

When I got there ,three of them came out of hiding to collect the money and they are all young boys that speak fulfude, they are younger than me as they can’t be more that 20- 25 years of age, they said hope I didn’t put poison on the bread and they collected the money before bringing my in-law out from the rocks, thank God they didn’t even touch her as they returned her phones”.

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