Kidnappers kidnap father of popular Nollywood Actor

Uche Odoputa

 Nollywood actor Uche Odoputa has cried out over the kidnap of his father Kenneth Odoputa by kidnappers.

The actor took to Instagram seeking support and prayers for the safe return of his dad who was forcefully taken away against his will two weeks ago.

Alongside a photo of his father, he wrote: “Friends please join me in praying for my father’s safe return from the hands of kidnappers that took him for over two weeks now Mr Kenneth Odoputa.”

Uche Odoputa made his name in the 2000’s and has acted in many blockbuster Nollywood movies. He seems to have taken a break from acting as it has been a while he has graced the screens. Not much is also known about his personal life.

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