Hard work doesn’t bring wealth – Ex Presidential Aide

Reno Omokri

Former Presidential Aide to Goodluck Jonathan, Reno Omokri has debunked the age-long notion that hard work brings wealth.

He advised people to stop believing that hard work brings wealth. According to him, hard work doesn’t bring wealth but rather the smarter one works, the wealthier one becomes.

He supported his claim with a quote from the Holy Book where a line read “let their mockery motivate you to work smart and succeed until you get to the point where you are so successful that your workers earn more than your mockers”.

He said: “Hard work does not bring wealth. That is a myth the upper class sold the working class to suppress them. So, what brings wealth? Smart work, not hard work. The smarter you work, the wealthier you get. The harder you work, the unhealthier you get.
Even Scripture says “If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success”-Ecclesiastes 10:10. So, even if you are poor and people mock you over your poverty, don’t feel bad. Instead, let their mockery motivate you to work smart and succeed, until you get to the point where you are so successful that your workers earn more than your mockers!”

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