A Civil War must not happen in Nigeria – Osinbajo

Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo has warned that Nigeria cannot afford to have another civil war giving the rising spate of insecurity and loud cries for secession. He urged the political elite to rise up in unison for the continued unity of the country.

His position was backed by the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi and the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar.

Both Royal Fathers spoke against secessionist attempts by some groups.

Osinbajo spoke in a meeting with the gubernatorial aspirants of Anambra State where he said: “Everyone who thinks they have some monies stored up somewhere, will eventually run out of money. Everyone who thinks they can go and hide somewhere, won`t even find a place to hide. In the end, everyone will suffer.

“Even if you don’t suffer, your parents, children, young and old people and your relations will suffer. We cannot afford a war in this country, we can`t afford it.”

He added: “I pray that our country will never know conflict, but I know that every conflict is as a result of elite failure to speak up the truth and tell the truth to their communities.”

“If we don`t speak up against disunity, if we keep quiet and remain under the radar, the enemies of peace and those who want to promote disunity will have their way. And when this happens, we will find ourselves running helter shelter.”

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