Big Brother Naija star, Lilo Aderogba has come under fire after she shared a tweet addressed to those who wear fake things especially bags, shoes and watches.
According to reality show star, wearing fake things is annoying and disrespectful to those who pay a lot for the original.
In her words ;
Stop wearing fake things, especially shoes, bags and wristwatches. It’s annoying and disrespectful to people who pay a lot for the original.
However, her tweet made alot of people angry and they dragged her to filth.
See some reactions below :
Fellow BBN Star, Leo DaSilva wrote ;
Lilo dear, Nigeria is the poverty capital of the world.
Mala wrote ;
The real question is why are you disrespecting your bank account enough to pay $3k for a bag you can get a facsimile of for $40
Rossi wrote ;
Those European designers be taking y’all money and callin y’all n¡ggers soon as you leave the store
seundreams wrote ;
Well I Didn’t expect much from someone dt went to BBN house to chase a fake “JOHNNY BRAVO” six packs instead of six figures
chrisgold_1 wrote ;
My sis, we will fake until we make it! No body will stick to your advice