University made me feel like a huge failure – BlaqBones

Nigerian Rapper BlaqBones has said that he battled depression in the University as all he wanted to do was rap while he was forced to study engineering which he didn’t like at all.

In a series of tweets made available by Instablog9ja, Blaqbonez disclosed that university made him feel like a failure because his mates were getting As and the future looked bright for them whilst he was posting freestyles hoping some influential persons will post it.

According to him, his serious friends in school are doing well in their respective fields and they all made choices and dedicated their lives to it and it is paying off.

He expressed gratitude for how far he has come because he does know who would have been taking care of his mother if music did not work for him.

See how Instagram users reacted to his narration below;

The last line. 👏🏻 I’m glad he didn’t downplay education. Choose whatever works for you and stick to it. Life na per head.


I love the fact that he didn’t play down the effort of those who were always reading. Everyone made it in their different field, the most important take in it. Just do what works for you and focus.


Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid – Albert Einstein


Key words – Made Choices , dedicated life to it . Don’t just focus on the ‘paid off’ . There are necessary sacrifices before the pay . Education always helps …even for Rappers . It broadens your horizon and deepens your thought process & perspective


I have noticed most brilliant students in school then don’t turn out well but the least expected dull average are the ones making waves

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