Uche Ogbodo is 35 today

Popular Nollywood Actress Uche Ogbodo is 35 today, May 17 and she took to Instagram to celebrate her Red Letter Day.

The heavily pregnant beautiful fair skinned thespian wrote:

The Hour Is Finally Here! Celebrate With Me !

It is A New Dawn , A New Chapter , A New Page in My life.
I am Not Crying today but I’m overwhelmed With Gratitude, thanksgiving and Love

because For the First time in Years I feel Gods Love all around me , Urging Me , Pushing Me towards The Greatness I am ! 

I am Looking Forward to many many more Unfolding Wonders , Happy Birthday Goddess !

Reign Forever!

Happy Birthday To Uche x Bunny

I Am Blessed , Too Blessed To be Stressed !
So grateful for the New Life I’m Bringing Fourth.
Too Honored, to be Baking Another Greatness Inside Me As I mark Another Year , yaaay!

The single mother of one daughter was previously married to Apo Arthur, a football agent before their divorce a few years later.

She is currently in a relationship with Bobby Maris who is an artiste.

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