Suzan Ade-Coker Finally Reveals What Happened Between Her And The Igbo Community In Rant HQ

Suzan Ade-Coker is not a new name to many, especially those conversant with the Social Media platform, Facebook as that is the propelling force for her registered company, Rant HQ.

There have been controversies in the past about her person, her dispositions, and the most vocal among them is her alleged tribalistic inclinations. One of such controversies was when she had a face-off with certain members of her Facebook group, Rant HQ, where she was accused of having an aversion for the Igbo tribe as a result of one of her posts on her Facebook platform.

In an exclusive interview with THE VENT REPUBLIC, the mother of 4 stated her own side of the story and gave further insight on what actually transpired between her and some persons in her group. READ THE FULL INTERVIEW HERE.

May be an image of 1 person, hair, outerwear, jewelry and sunglasses

According to Suzan, she has nothing but love for the Igbo people as many of them are her business partners, her friends, and bosses, and even her professional and domestic members of staff. She further went on to infer that she couldn’t have had a disdain for the Igbo as it would be tantamount to negatively categorizing even the Igbo Admins in Rant HQ and other Ndigbo sons and daughters who according to her have been amazing people. She respects their spirit of enterprise and the fact that they rose gallantly from the ashes of the ill-fated civil war to commanding heights of the economy and are active players on the global scene as well especially in the Diaspora where they are making gargantuan strides.

On the particular incident that she felt was misinterpreted, she said:

“Before that, let me give you my opinion on the generality of the Igbo people and race as a whole. This is not to sound patronizing, they are amazing people and I respect their spirit of enterprise, even after the ashes of the ill-fated civil war, they rose gallantly to commanding heights of the economy and are active players on the global scene, even in the diaspora where they are making great strides”.

On that particular incident, hmmmm. I felt justified by my Statement at the time.

“Now this is the major major one and when I made the statement that I made, it wasn’t my intention to attack a tribe, however, I needed to address the situation because a very large section of a particular tribe was trying to use Rant HQ and my platform as their avenue for secessionist agitation. I respect everyone’s agitation, I respect everyone’s desire, political affiliations but do not force me to accept it. I am Yoruba and I do not subscribe to the Yoruba nation, that’s just me like I do not subscribe to Brexit, I didn’t vote for Brexit, that’s is just me. I am for unity, I am for a united Nigeria, I do not want a breakup, but that is me, so I felt like they were being, they were trying to use my platform for their propaganda and I wanted none of it.”

“Some were sending posts for approval with words like: ‘ ‘The Zoo must fall’, ‘Nigeria must go down’, Biafra must come and we don’t care if the Zoo likes it’ and other inciting posts and because they went against the rules of Rant HQ and we not wanting to use the group for such motives, the posts were not approved. Then they began to send threats to my inbox, promising to deal with me. At the time I did what was right and of course, those who did not like what I was doing, who didn’t like the fact that I didn’t allow them to use the platform decided to pay blogs, and basically ran a campaign that I was being tribalistic. Of course, I wasn’t you know, they tried to make it out like oh I said all of them in that tribe, No. I was specific, those who are believed were trying to look for means to force me into their trouble, to have sense, and those who do not have sense, period, referring to the Igbo Secessionists threatening me. I do feel justified by my statement however in a totally different way. See I do not like or support treasonable secessionist agitations. That was what I said but anyway, thankfully we moved on from that, we live and learn. We are one big family now.“, she added.

To catch up on other things the Rant HQ owner said, especially on other areas of her personal life and her plans, please read the INTERVIEW.

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