Nollywood Actor, Yomi Fabiyi is set to latch on the trend over the controversy emanating from the rape and molestation allegation leveled against Actor, Baba Ijesha.
THE VENT REPUBLIC recalls that Yomi Fabiyi had been involved in a public spat with Actress Iyabo Ojo over the case as the two had opposing views to the case.
Iyabo Ojo had been at the forefront of those clamoring that Baba Ijesha be kept in custody and not granted bail, as according to her, a paedophile is dangerous to the society and should not be allowed to roam free.
But Actor Yomi Fabiyi has a different perspective to the issue. He believes while still being charged, Baba Ijesha’s fundamental human rights should be upheld and should thus be granted bail citing relevant sections of the law to infer that his alleged offence is bailable.
This led to an exchange of social media verbal war between Fabiyi and Ojo as the latter lashed out at the former for supporting Baba Ijesha because he’s a celebrity.
Yomi Fabiyi on the other hand led a protest to call for the bail of the detained actor, an action that drew the ire of some sections of the public.
THE VENT REPUBLIC reported yesterday that Baba Ijesha was finally granted bail, subject to the fulfilment of his bail conditions.
Yomi Fabiyi has now taken to his Instagram page to announce the release of the movie: ‘Oko Iyabo’ , a veiled reference to his exchanges with the fair skinned actress.
‘Oko’ , a Yoruba word means Husband but in the context used may mean a master, or boss.