The Lagos State Police has granted bail in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Naira to Actor Olanrewaju James Omiyinka more known as Baba Ijesha.
THE VENT REPUBLIC reports that the comic actor, who has been in detention on allegations of sexual assault and molestation has been a subject of public debate for a while now, with arguments for and against the issuance of his bail.
It would be recalled that a CCTV Vide was released showing the actor touching indiscriminately a 14-year old girl, an action not permissible under the Southern Laws of Nigeria.
His Legal Counsel, Adesina Ogunlana confirmed he has indeed been granted temporal reprieve, with a sum of N500,000
In his words:
“Yes I can confirm to you that my client has been granted bail by the police. The terms of the bail include two reliable sureties- a blood relation and a level 10 civil servant. We are currently working to meet the bail conditions.”