Popular Comedienne, Adedamola Adewale more known as Adeherself has finally broken her silence on the engagement of her colleague and friend, Abdulgafar Ahmad Oluwatoyin more known as ‘Cute Abiola’.
The comedian had recently tied the knot in a private cermony in Ogbomoso, Oyo State with many wondering what became of Cute Abiola romantic entanglement with Aderself as they were thought to be engaged.
THE VENT REPUBLIC reports that the allleged romance of Cute Abiola and Cute abiola became a topic after adeherself took to her Instagram page in December 2020, showing her engagement ring, subtly revealing she was engaged to him which attracted a lot of congratulatory messages from her fans on social media.
The new development of Cute Abiola’s marriage made many to infer he has dumped Adeherself after engaging her.
She has now come out to clarify they never dated but they were just friends but he fueled the rumor then cos he kept mute on the supposed relationship.
You guys should calm down. I already said that I and Abiola never dated and we weren’t in a relationship neither am I engaged.
She wrote on Instagram:
“He kept mute on the issue so people felt there was a relationship.
“We are good friends and will still be friends. Congratulations to the new couple,” she wrote.