Ace Comedian, Samuel Perry, more known as Broda Shaggi has reacted to the interaction between housemates Pere and Whitemoney in this year’s edition of the Big Brother Naija reality show.
The VENT REPUBLIC reports that the Social media circle was awash with the fallout of the tension between the two housemates with many viewers seeing the recent action of Pere as condescending and downright disrespectful. One of the housemates, Cross expressed his dismay with the action of Pere in his Big Brother diary session and Whitemoney’s Instagram handler had reposted the diary session.
A visibly pissed Broda Shaggi bared his mind on the incident, indicating that the society has pampered such behavior in the past, especially as they were female housemates, adding that Good or bad knows no gender.
In his words:
“Pere’s attitude was displayed by some female housemates In the past editions of BBN but guess what? They were backed and called queens . IT IS A BAD ATTITUDE! Good or bad knows no gender! The truth is bitter but must be said . How you go dey look down on person ? Damn! I Dey disappointed I swear“